Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Cause of all Ethnic and Civil Discord

The Cause is simple and obvious. All Ethnic and Civil discord is caused by one group in a society feeling that their interests are either not being represented in the government or are being suppressed by other groups in the society. Simply put, no one wants to be told how to live their life. Most people will try to get along peacefully with everyone they come in contact with if they are given a choice. However, their are people out there whose fondest wish is that everyone should live as they do, either that or just be that everyone should be their slaves. When people are pushed too far by these meddlers they will often resort to violence in an attempt to secure their way of life, expecially if they are treated violently.

History is full of examples. I will mention a few to prove my point. First, the American Revolution was started to a great degree by the lack of representation of the American Colonies in the British government. The American Civil War was caused by the perception in the South that the interests of the Southern States were not being met in the US Government. The Israelis and Palestinians have been at each other's throats for over half a century now because the Palestinians feel that their is no room for them in a Jewish state and the Jews feel that Israel has to be a Jewish state. There are multitudes of other examples from recent history that anyone who has been paying attention can name with ease. All of them involved people who felt that their way of life was being threatened.

In my next post, I will propose a solution that I feel will at least alleviate this problem if not solve it outright.