Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Too Much "We" Not Enough "Me"

People are always saying we should do this or we should do that. If someone thinks that a certain segment of society is too poor, too rich or just plain too anything they always say "we" should fix it. This usually makes me quite angry. If the whining left off there and didn't worm its way into politics I would not be upset at all, but politics is exactly where every bit of it winds up. The reasons this angers me are very simple.

First, why do these people presume to speak for me? I think that people should never be put on government welfare. Ever. But because people have said "we" should take care of the poor and have gotten the government involved I no longer have a choice in the matter. I deny the right of anyone to make such important decisions for anyone other than themselves. Note that I didn't say that people should not be able to be charitable to the poor. I just believe that each of us individually have the right to choose who we wish to help and in what way. Using government to force the issue takes away that right.

Second, those who want "us" to do something seem to never actually just shut up and do it for themselves. They always insist on using the force of government to make everyone comply with their wishes. If these people actually cared about whatever they think "we" have to do then they would get off their butts and actually work on the problem rather than beating other people over the head to work on it for them. You might say that if no one is forced to help then the problem will not be solved. This is a load of crap. We supposedly live in a democracy. (It is NOT a republic even though it was founded as one. Our ancestors changed it.) If this is a democracy then the majority of the people must be in favor of solving a problem for it to be addressed. So, If a majority of the people are for working on a problem, why do they need to drag the rest of the people into it? Their are more than enough of them to solve it themselves.

So, the next time you feel that "we" should do something think for a moment whether you are going to get out from in front of the TV and actually do something to directly help or not. If you aren't willing to help directly then you don't really care.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Should Women Register for the Draft?

Apparently one of the candidates in the Democratic debates said that we should move toward true equality and require women to register for the draft. My first thought was, "Why don't we move in the other direction and insure equality by removing draft registration for everyone?" Think about it for a second. We are supposedly a free society. Why does a free society need to enslave people to fight for it? It doesn't make any sense. Make no mistake about it drafted soldiers are slaves. They aren't free to go where they please and must follow the orders of their superiors (owners) or be punished.

If our cause is worth fighting for then plenty of people will fight for it voluntarily. If it is not worthy then how better for a free people to show their disapproval than by not participating?

Friday, October 9, 2015

Should Planned Parenthood be Publicly Funded?

There are two sides to the abortion debate. One side thinks it's OK to abort babies and the other thinks that aborting babies is murder. Given that a large portion of the population thinks that abortion is murder and, therefore, morally despicable should they be forced to pay for it? I think the answer is obvious.

Abortionists are usually of the liberal persuasion. Most liberals strongly believe in gun control. Many believe in banning guns outright so that they can't be used to murder people. What if there was a law that forced everyone to pay extra taxes so that poor people can also own guns? Whether you agree with them or not, do you think liberals would oppose such a measure on the moral grounds that it would promote violence?

Is it right to force either party to pay for something that they find immoral?