Friday, October 10, 2008


I am always hearing how people want more balance between their work and private lives. The media regularly reports that more and more Americans are working longer hours. Very few are even able to take the two weeks of vacation that most workers are allowed each year. Many families are growing farther apart because everyone is so busy that there is no time for the members to spend time or even communicate effectively with each other. I would like to propose a solution to this problem. I call it Funday.

Funday would be a bonus day that we would add to each week. This would be an extra weekend day. Monday through Friday would still be reserved for work, but now everyone would have an extra day to relax on the weekend. We could put it right after Sunday. My initial impulse was to call it Robertsday since it was my idea. A friend of mine came up with a better idea. He suggested that we could call it Funday. Not only does Funday sell better than Robertsday but it makes it very clear what the purpose of the new day would be.

The number of days in a week has been set at seven because of the biblical story of creation. There is no command from God that set the number of days in the week to be seven. The religiously devout just chose that number early on to fit with the story of Genesis. The only command God ever gave regarding the days of the week is that we must all rest and worship on the seventh day. If we have an eight day week those who wish can still do that.

The choice of the number of days in the week is an arbitrary one. I don't see why it can't be arbitrary in a fashion more to everyone's favor. If enough of us got together and demanded a change to the calendar it would happen. I can't see anyone objecting to an extra day off each week. Are you with me?

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